The Liturgy
Our worship follows the pattern of how Christians worshiped for centuries. We call this “liturgy” which literally means “the work of the people.” Worship is supposed to be active, so everybody participates in the liturgy through singing, prayers, listening to God’s Word, repentance, and receiving Communion. The Ancient Church has always placed a high value on beauty in worship. Our sanctuary is adorned with beautiful furniture, our music is beautifully sung, and our liturgy uses rich, powerful, and beautiful symbols which direct our attention to God.
Anglicanism employs one’s entire body in worship. God is communicated to us through all five of our senses. We hear the beautiful music, Scripture lessons, sermon, and sanctus bells. We see the symbols of the liturgy which direct our attention to God. We smell the wine at Communion and occasionally the incense. We feel our bodies kneeling in humble submission to God. We taste the consecrated bread and wine as we receive God’s grace through the Sacrament. In every possible way, each of our senses directs our attention to the worship of God.
Our liturgy is directly pulled directly from the Book of Common Prayer 2019.
The first half of the service focuses upon the Scriptures and responding to the Scriptures through Prayer.
The second half of the service focuses upon the “Sacrament” which is commonly called “Holy Communion” or “the Eucharist.”
Service Details
8:45 & 11:15 am services
Each service is our full liturgy with the administration of Holy Communion each Sunday.
what to expect
A warm welcome! We love visitors. If you’ve never attended a liturgical church, don’t be afraid to ask someone what to do. The majority of our congregation has come from other denominations, and we all remember what it’s like to participate in liturgical worship for the first time!
You will see people in bow-ties and fancy dresses alongside people in jeans and t-shirts. Wear whatever you’re comfortable in!
Youtube channel
Access the live streams and past recordings of services by clicking HERE.
Morning Prayer
Join us for Morning Prayer at 8:15 AM in the nave on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. There is a Eucharist service at 8 AM on Wednesdays.