To help parents catechize their children, we have provided some songs to promote memorization. You can also click the links below to see which catechism questions we selected as the best-suited for children. You can find more information about the ACNA’s catechism, To Be a Christian, by clicking here.

the Apostle’s Creed

Who is God? (#36)

God is one divine Being eternally existing in three divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the Holy Trinity.

What does Jesus’ death mean for you? (#65)

Jesus bore my sins and died the death that I deserve, so that I could be saved from sin and eternal condemnation and reconciled to God.

The Lord’s Prayer

How can you hallow God’s Name? (#177)

I can honor God’s Name as holy by worshiping him, serving others, and living in loving obedience as his child and a citizen of his kingdom.

Why should you pray for daily bread? (#191)

God calls me to trust him for the needs of each day, to be concerned for the needs of others, to be content with what I have, and to grow in gratitude for his provision.

If God is good, why does he permit evil? (#211)

God created rational creatures free to love, obey, and worship him, but we have used our freedom to reject his love, rebel against him, and choose evil. Yet no evil can thwart God’s purposes, and he is able to use evil to bring about even greater good.